What is a quadtree and how it works

Roman Glushach
3 min readMay 23, 2023

Quadtree is a tree-based data structure that recursively partitions a two-dimensional space into four equal quadrants or regions. This structure is used to represent and store spatial data such as points, lines, and polygons in a more efficient way than using a simple list or array. A quadtree is a type of tree data structure where each node has at most four children. The root node represents the entire 2D space, which is divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant is represented by a child node of the root. The child nodes can also be further divided into four quadrants if they contain more than one point. This process continues recursively until all points are contained in individual leaves of the tree.

A quadtree is a way of organizing a two-dimensional space by breaking it down into smaller and smaller parts. It starts by dividing the space into four equal quadrants, and then it continues to subdivide each quadrant into four more quadrants, until all the subdivisions meet certain criteria.

To create a quadtree, we need to define the boundaries of the space we want to partition, and a function that determines how to split a space into four quadrants. We also need to decide how to store the data associated with each leaf node, and how to traverse the tree to access or modify the data. There are different types of quadtrees, such as region quadtrees, point quadtrees, line quadtrees, and curve quadtrees, depending on the type and shape of the data they represent.

When using quadtree will be beneficial

  • it can adapt to the distribution of the data, creating finer partitions where the data is dense and coarser partitions where the data is sparse
  • it can reduce the search space and improve the efficiency of queries that involve spatial regions or nearest neighbors
  • it can compress images by representing similar regions with fewer bits, reducing the storage space and transmission time

When using quadtree disadvantageous

  • it can create a lot of small nodes and increase the memory overhead if the data is very irregular or noisy
  • it can be difficult to implement and maintain, especially for dynamic data that changes frequently
  • it can introduce artifacts or errors in image compression if the partitioning is too coarse or the quantization is too low


Quadtree has many applications in computer science, including:

  • Image compression: Quadtree can be used to compress images by dividing an image into rectangular regions and replacing each region with its average color
  • Collision detection: Quadtree can be used to detect collisions between objects in a game or simulation by checking if the bounding boxes of the objects intersect
  • Location-based services: Quadtree can be used to store and query geospatial data efficiently, such as finding all points within a given distance of a location


Quadtree is a powerful data structure that enables efficient storage and querying of spatial data. Its recursive structure allows for fast searching and manipulation of large datasets. Understanding how quadtree works is essential for anyone working with spatial data.



Roman Glushach

Senior Software Architect & Engineer Manager at Freelance